Lobito Flights:

Flights to Lobito LobitoThe city of Lobito was founded in 1905 and was under Portuguese control until Angola became independent in 1974. Lobito is a fairly large city and quite popular as a tourist spot due to the natural harbour and great coastline.

The local Lobito Airport is not open to commercial flights to Lobito, and the next closest Benguela Airport (airport code: BUG) only handles domestic flights. So if you want to get a flight to Lobito, you should arrive in Luanda and fly with SonAir to Benguela, which is about 35 kilometres away from Lobito. The Luanda Airport is the Quatro de Fevereiro Airport (code: LAD) and you can fly there non-stop from South Africa with South African Airways. Air Namibia will connect once in Windhoek.

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The Tourist Attractions of Lobito:

Portuguese is the most commonly spoken language, though many people also speak their own indigenous languages (Kikongo and Umbundu for example). English is not common, even in the busy commercial areas.

Buffalo Partial Reserve
Buffalo Partial Reserve is a small natural park south-east of Lobito, and the wildlife you can find there usually includes buffalo, elephants, zebras, antelope and lions. For a small park, there is a good supply of animals to see.

The Harbour
The harbour is sheltered from the Atlantic by a long and very narrow stretch of land, known as Restinga. You can find most of the best restaurants, shops and clubs along this area and it is great for walking and just taking in the local culture. Anywhere around the harbour is nice for walking if you enjoy seeing the boats coming into port.

There are many peaceful sandy beaches along the coast, particularly south towards Benguela. Nothing beats relaxing in the sun after a day of seeing the town!

The smaller town of Catumbela is just south of Lobito and has some nice sights if you head down that way. There is an old railway station with several old engines still on the premises. Many of the buildings are in the original colonial style, and there is a lovely church in town as well.

Quicama National Park
Quicama National Park is a much larger park north of Lobito, and it will take a few hours to get there. It’s also known as the Kissama National Park, and it is just a little bit south of Luanda. There are open grasslands as well as heavily forested areas in the park, and the wildlife population is fairly low. There ise still abundant bird life, and you may get to see antelope, waterbucks, buffalo and possibly an elephant or two.

When Should You Visit?:

Many months are warm and fairly comfortable in Lobito though their summer months can be a little hot. The coolest time of the year is from July until September, when the days will be 23C (74F) on average. Summer comes in February until early May when it reaches 30C (86F) in the daytime. Rains will peak in March though they are not that heavy even then. There is typically no rain at all when it is cooler, so that is when most travellers go to Lobito.

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